Updated! MamaStew tweets about Cameron - March 30, 2012

RealJulesStew "Sledgehammer in K-11 was written for Cameron but he's so shy I never thought he would actually do it, and now he's in People. Very strange."
"Really proud of Camdog's acting abilities in K-11, but now he's taken up archery... look out people."

RealJulesStew "Sledgehammer in K-11 was written for Cameron but he's so shy I never thought he would actually do it, and now he's in People. Very strange."
"Really proud of Camdog's acting abilities in K-11, but now he's taken up archery... look out people."
From People Magazine. Cameron Stewart's Film Debut.
Kristen Stewart's big brother Cameron is making his acting debut in K-11, a prison-drama written and directed by their mom, Jules,58, due out later this year. Cameron, 26, worked as a production grip for five years before moving in front of the camera for his role as Sledgehammer, a neo-Nazi in an LA prison ward. “My mom kind of wrote the part based on me." says Stewart who already had a Mohawk. "Not because I'm a tweaker but because I'm skinny. So I guess she was going for the whole skinny-Mohawk-neo-Nazi thing. Acting in the first project directed by his mother, a long-tme script supervisor, proved to be a bonding experience for the pair. "You have a solid support base when you are at work" he says. "This put us out of our element together. I feel closer with my Mom, a camaraderie. I had a lot of fun doing it." he adds. "And if my sister can do it, then I thought I could do it.”
Scan epnebelle via KstewAngel
Cameron and Kristen in Vogue Italy (2007). More HERE