"Donna and I went to the set that day on May 29th. And we had loads of fun. Getting Dean to blush, was a great moment. You know how that man is, EMOTIONLESS. I was getting my camera ready. And just basically fooling around with it. When I was looking into my screen. I could see his eyes fluttering and his lips moving. Like he was preparing himself for the upcoming scene and saying his lines. Just the pure concentration that poured from that picture takes it all away. And to see this man, do his job. A job he does very well. He was just very focused and I know none of his fans have ever seen him like this. In his element. One he shines in. I was just truly taken aback from this picture. Yes, I tweeted this picture. But never said it was mine. I'm in the process of getting it copy righted to my name. So.. if want you can say that about the picture." From Jeanette via Tink of ROBsessed Thanks girls.
These 2 fan pics from the same source were posted June 21st.