Jayce Bartok, wrote the screenplay for 'The Cake Eaters'. He also co-produced and appeared in the film.
kstewangel How was it working with Kristen Stewart? Were you involve in casting her?
jaycebartok @KstewAngel yes! she is awesome, we wanted her forever and she hung with the film. Really her best work, and she is super cool.
Moviemaker.com It’s hard to process any of this when you’re an indie moviemaker trying to raise $75,000 to finish your film. But let me stress how important it all is. I speak from experience: My film, The Cake Eaters, starred Kristen Stewart and was directed by Mary Stuart Masterson. It was made for around $2 million and was distributed by 7-57 Releasing, which producers Patrick Morris, Jesse Scolaro and Allan Bain founded specifically to release it. After an American DVD deal was secured, marketing mostly consisted of word-of-mouth buzz and the kindness of Ms. Stewart, who talked about The Cake Eaters while on press junkets for other films that had paid press tours. It played for a few weeks in theaters, mostly to stimulate DVD and TV awareness, which it was able to do. Still, I get told all the time, by very nice people: “That film should have done so much better. I mean, Kristen Stewart was in it. It was good. What happened?”
It always comes back to the amount of money you need to spend for a film to be a critical and box office success. If the producers of The Cake Eaters had had the ability to spend millions upon millions of dollars, they would have, and I’m sure our film would have gone further. How much further? It’s hard to say. It has found a life out there in spite of its small budget, but when it comes to awards season, economics is the biggest reality a moviemaker has to face.
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