Rob was not an overly academic child. A school newsletter from 1998 describes him as 'A runaway winner of lat year's Form 3 Untidy Desk Award'.
School secretart Caroline Booth remembers him well.
He wasn't particulary academic but he always loved drama. He was an absolutely lovely boy, everyone adored him. He was special, very pretty and blond.
When at aged 12 he went to The Harrodian School , he discovered girls. Rob is comfortable in the presence of girls which is a direct result of his homelife and his schooling.
Rob remembers it differently - 'I was a bit of a loner at school, quite anti-social, My first kiss was at 12 but I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 18'.
Rob was also still only 12 when he began to model although this stage of his career only lasted 4 years.
About Twilight
Nothing in the world could have prepared Rob for the level of interest in him after Twilight came about.
An unprecedented amount of attention was being paid to a film that hadnt event finished filming, with inumerable websites set up to chart the progress of the movie and of Rob.
MTV created 'Twilight Tuesdays' in which they brought updates to the fans.
By the time of the Comic-Con convention in San Diego, Twilight mania was in full swing.
'I set my performance up to make it satisfying to do at least two more,' confessed Rob to E! Online. 'I don't know if they're going to make them or not, but I think they probably will.'
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