Rob Interview In Swedish Vecko Revyn Mag

The Twi­light Suc­cess is a fact and we can most likely thank sexy robert Pat­tin­son for that suc­cess. Now it’s time for the sequel and Vecko Revyn has met Robert and talked about crazy fans, Edward’s attrac­tion and the love for Kris­ten Stewart.

Inter­view made by Johanna Jun­tunen

Robert Pat­tin­son and Kris­ten Stew­art are dat­ing. In the movie Twi­light, and in the sequel New Moon, the cou­ple have a really intense and pas­sion­ate real­tion­ship. And they are dat­ing in real life, or so it’s rumoured. But by all means they try to not talk about it. They sneak around with they’re love and the oth­ers in the film crew with the third movie in the series, Eclipse, that is in work­ing progress, says it’s obvi­ous that Robert and Kris­ten are so in love with eachother, but that they have cho­sen to keep it a secret in pub­lic. Maybe they’ve cho­sen to keep it a secret so that the excite­ment between Bella and Edward shall remain as truth­ful as pos­si­ble? An uncon­trolled, for­bid­den pas­sion that is so strong that they can’t keep from eachother?

Maybe so, maybe so, Robert says with a mys­te­ri­ous smile when Vecko Revyn, as the only Swedish mag­a­zine, meets him at film­ing loca­tion in Van­cou­ver, Canada.

When he gets the ques­tion on wether or not they’re a cou­ple in real life or not he answers elusive:

- We are best friends…

Kris­ten and I can talk about every­thing and we hang out alot in our free time. I saw a pic­ture of us in a tabloid the other day. But there’s noth­ing strange in hav­ing din­ner at a restau­rant together with your best friend is there..?

Read the rest at Thinking of Rob
Translation credit goes to GossipDance

Ooh, the hottest non-kiss.
This is also from GossipDance blog, but there was no translation available. From