When asked if she had any fighting talk for Jennifer and Josh, Kristen told MTV.co.uk: “I don’t know. For the last few years it was ‘The Twilight Show’ and it was bizarre and this year’s gonna be fun. It’s gonna be like ‘Oh good, something different! Please God, something different’.
“I would love to see them go up there and I would love to see how someone else dealt with it to be honest. It’s like ‘are you gonna do it?’, ‘are you gonna give it to them’.” “If we didn’t win, I would actually be stoked to see like how it all goes down and how they handle it.”
Youtube PamelaPPI via fiercebitchstew
Kristen talks about the possibility of losing MTV's 'Best Kiss'
Kristen talks about Charlize with E!
E!OnLine Marc Malkin Move over, Robert Pattinson—Charlize Theron is taking your place!
No, Kristen Stewart is not replacing her real-life Twilight boyfriend with her Snow White and the Huntsman costar, but…
“I want to stand on my tippy toes when I’m around her,” Stewart told me the other day when she and SWATH costar Sam Claflin appeared at the MTV Sneak Peek of their new fairy-tale action flick. “She’s mad intimidating. Most people would make you feel really bad about yourself when you’re intimidated by them, but I feel so great around.”
Claflin gushed, “She makes you step up your game.”
Theron is also, well, super cool. “She’s awesome,” Stewart said. “And she’s hilarious—she’s so fast and quick.”
Even with all this lovin’, Stewart and Claflin aren’t going to be babysitting for the new mom anytime soon.
“I don’t think she should trust either of us,” Stewart said.
Claflin cracked, “I don’t think she’d trust us with the kid or even her dogs.”
via kstewartnews
Videos/Interviews from the Cosmopolis German Premiere
Red Carpet Interviews.
David Cronenberg at 1:19, Rob right after his interview.
Gossipgyal RPLife
Inside the Theater
Thanks to sissibell.
Outside with Fans
Via RPLife/ veronicaspuffy
Kristen and SWATH Cast Interviews with Xpose and Attack of the SHow
Wyck Godfrey talks about Collaborating with Rob on a new Project
When MTV News caught up with "Twilight" producer Wyck Godfrey recently to discuss Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's chances of another Best Kiss win at the 2012 MTV Movie Awards on Sunday (June 3), he revealed that he and Pattinson might be cooking up some post-"Breaking Dawn - Part 2" work plans, in the form of a big-screen adaptation of a crime thriller.
"There's a book called "The Professionals," which is a new crime thriller that Rob has read and really likes," Godfrey said of Owen Laukkanen's well-received debut novel. "We're just starting to look at a writer [to adapt it]. It's kind of a 'Bonnie and Clyde' for today, and he would be fantastic in the role. It's in the early days; we'll see."
A modern-day version of "Bonnie and Clyde" sounds gritty and violent no matter which way you look at it. We asked Godfrey if he sees this potential big-screen crime thriller as a PG-13- or R-rated film for Pattinson.
"Possibly R," he said. "[Rob's] an adult now."
Youtube/via RPLife
Rupert Sanders talks about Casting Kristen
HP.com It’s not just a big movie for you, it’s a big movie for Kristen Stewart. In a, “I’m not just Bella Swan,” kind of way.
Rupert Sanders: To me, casting is all about finding a character within the actor off the screen as much as on the screen. I think Kristen is incredibly brave.
People forget that she was in movies like “Panic Room.
Well, my theory is a simple theory: She played such a good version Bella Swan, people think Kristen Stewart is Bella Swan. She’s not, you know? If you meet Kristen, she’s wildly kind of giggly and vivacious and rebellious and naughty — all things that Bella Swan isn’t.
New SWATH Featurette. Watch @HuffingtonPost Via kstewartnews
Rob's Interview with Cine TeleRevue- Belgium
Scans Twilight Belgium. Translation/Via RPLife
The interview was done during Cannes. The interviewer precises that Rob was eating a lollipop.
In the movie, you get your prostate checked? Is yours asymmetrical too?
Rob: *laughs* I haven't checked that yet! Everybody talks about it, it's crazy how that line marked people.
Did you feel up to the task to take on this role?
Rob: When David Cronenberg called me I was in the middle of shooting Breaking Dawn. There were only three weeks left. As soon as I got home, I pounced on the script and read it in one sitting, in one night. It was really strong, complex and freaky but so funny!
Your character speaks all the time, weren't you scared?
Rob: The risk of failure was huge. At first, I told David I didn't feel ready for the challenge. There was too much pressure, but he convinced me. Even though he knew I didn't understand anything from the script. *laughs*
What didn't you get?
Rob: For Cronenberg, everything made sense. The fact that I didn't understand didn't bother him. He was more concerned about my performance. The world of finance means nothing to me. It conceals an absurd distortion of power struggles. But it's not the end of the world, it's a rebirth because this world needs sometimes to be cleansed and purified.
Your character tries to escape from himself. Since you became famous - and with all these paparazzi hanging on to your coat-tails - are you experiencing the same thing?
Rob: I try not to think about it, I only do my job. I stay cautious about all of this but it's still weird. It's like speaking in your sleep. Cosmopolis is a challenging movie that will open doors for me to new projects. I am very pleased. Saying that though, I can't compare this with my private life even if I feel completely claustrophobic.
Are you relieved that Twilight is over now and that you can now move on to something else?
Rob: I will never disown Twilight. It was my job security. I'll never try to find excuses. The advantage now is that directors think differently. As an actor, it's something you've always dreamed about.
Lots of people think it's because of Twilight that you're pushed to do more diarist and intellectual movies ...
Rob: I did little movies before Twilight. People only notice you when they feel like it. It depends from one type of audience from another. I 'acted' too in Twilight. It was a beautiful period in my life but now it's time to turn the page.
Are you still offered heartthrob's roles?
Rob: It's not always easy to play heartthrob. You need to be extremely confident or be completely oblivious to what people think of you. I like to keep my integrity as an actor.
Did you see 'On the Road' in which your girlfriend, Kristen Stewart, has a role?
Rob: Yes and it's sort of weird to see her like this. To have people clapping for you at Cannes, a Festival that's a little crazy and with so many people, is funny. We might expect those kind of reactions but always end up being surprised.
Did you become up professional opponents?
Rob: No, never. For a year now we both had the chance to evolve in the job we love, especially in those amazing movie projects. Kristen is really ambitious. She knows how to find good scripts, she has the nose for that. I admire her.
We wanted people to respect and understand our choices. During the Cosmopolis screening at Cannes, I was a nervous wreck. I was looking in front of me, behind me, trying to guess people's reactions. I was trying to listen for whispers. And in the end, I missed half the movie. *laughs* At the after party that followed, I was even more terrified at the prospect of having to face people's comments.
Will you be in a movie together after Twilight?
Rob: Yes, absolutely. We're trying to write a script together. It won't be for now but we've thought about it for a long time. The filming of the last two movies was long and difficult.My character doesn't change, he can't die. We finish on a high note.
Rob's Interview with Le Petit Journal from the Paris Screening
Rob, Cronenberg, Giamatti and Sarah Gadon to be on Strombo
CBC.CanadaAll right, this is exciting: 'Cosmopolis' just premiered at Cannes, and now we've got the director and cast of David Cronenberg's latest in the studio. David himself, Robert Pattinson, Paul Giamatti, and Toronto's rising star Sarah Gadon will all be in the red chair.
The show is airing next Thursday, June 7th, so make sure to tune in and check it out.
'Cosmopolis' goes on wide release across Canada Friday, June 8th.
via RPLife
Sam Claflin talks SWATH and Rob and Kristen
They are a lovely couple.
ClevverTV via Leyla_831
More from our Prince William
Pics and Vid of Kristen Leaving ABC Studios/Live with Kelly - May 31, 2012

kstewartfans Kristen leaving ABC Studios (Live! with Kelly) in NYC. May 31, 2012.
More HQ Pics under the CUT
Kristen and SWATH Cast Interview with Fandango
Kristen jokes she uses her ‘troll roar’ on Rob. At 2:50.
Fandango veronicaspuffy
lol Kristen
HQ Pics of Kristen from The Today Show - May 31, 2012
New Cosmopolis Clips
I Need A Haircut
The Rat as the New Unit of Currency
Bad Traffic
EOneFilms via RPLife 6 More Clips under the CUT
Kristen on 'Live with Kelly' - May 31, 2012
ETA: June 4, 2012
Fan Video - Inside the Studio
Youtube @Alice_intwiland @veronicaspuffy
More fan pics and BTS Video under the CUT
Kristen on The Today Show - May 31, 2012
kstewartnews Kristen is wearing Narciso Rodriguez Fall 2012 pic link
Fan Pics and more videos under the CUT
Kristen's Interview with Collider. SWATH Promo
Collider Kristen Stewart Time Index
Discusses how this Snow White re-imagining was pitched to her.
1:00 – Says the shoot felt dangerous: “Anytime you see any of us on screen looking cold, uncomfortable, pained, or in fear, it’s usually because we are.”
1:25 – She felt bad for how the rats were treated in the rat scene. They were cute “pet rats,” and so not scary. She was afraid of the horses, though.
2:30 – More on how physically hard the shoot was: “I probably pulled every single muscle in my whole body. My thumb was wrecked.”
3:30 – Sanders used in-camera effects wherever possible to force perspective with the actors who played the dwarves.
via kstewartnews
Wyck Godfrey talks about Breaking Dawn 2
Breaking Dawn 2 will be "really satisfying."
Talks about 'The Best Kiss' Category
MTV“For me, the last movie is all about closure and the characters finally coming fully into themselves about what their destinies are,” he said. “Edward becoming, in a sense, the patriarch of the family; Bella becoming a mother and a vampire finally, which I think is truly the thing everyone wants to see. It is ultimately the closure of their lives. For those that have followed [the films] from beginning to end, there is a great final moment where you really get to re-live that entire the experience and I think that is something the fans can look forward to.”
Read more on MTV
Small still

via RPLife kstewartnews
According to E!'s Marc Malkin, Rob will Skip the 2012 MMAs
While his girlfriend Kristen Stewart will be on hand to present with her Snow White and the Huntsman costar Chris Hemsworth, I'm told Mr. Pattinson will be MIA this year.
Update! MarcMalkin tweets "maybe Rob will change his mind? its not like MTV would turn him away if he decided at the last minute.
Rob was asked by a fan today in Paris about the MMAs( 3rd video on this post) and he said "I don't know."
More Videos from the Cosmopolis Paris and Lisbon Screenings
Rob and DC say hello to FunRadio
At the Paris Screening. Rob talks about 'Map to the Stars' at around 0:58
More videos from Paris and Lisbon under the CUT
Kristen's Interview with Cinemania (Mexico)
Via/Translation TwilightPoison. Scans on their site. via kstewartnews
The first thing you notice about her is not her tiny frame. It’s her eyes. They are big and turquoise green, which were hidden under brown contacts for Twilight. Second, her shaky hands. Watching her take a bottle of water one can’t help but believe she really is as clumsy as she says she is. Her nervousness around the press, which to be fair she has almost dominated now, because despite stammering occasionally still, she gets her ideas across more clearly. What’s true is that Stewart has the beauty and vulnerability to play Snow White.
What made you want play this princess?
You learn about her in the script, and I loved that. She’s been in prison for ten years of he life. The world before she was imprisoned was beautiful and clean. When she gets out she finds it infected, drained from any sort of life. She forces herself to take the weapons she has inside of her. I loved playing a heroine like this.
What was your relationship with Snow White growing up?
I actually never had it. I never even saw the movie. My favorite Disney movie was The Jungle Book. I was never into princess movies, so when they called me for SWATH and I knew it would be a very different story from what we know, and after seeing Rupert Sanders presentation I was in.
You hurt yourself during filming, right?
I hurt my foot and my finger, and I endured both injuries for the entire time. Just as my finger was getting better I hurt my foot, and it was the worst timing possible. It was right before we started the big action sequences. I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to hold my sword. In the end it all worked out fine, and the pain contributed to my performance.
Twilight didn’t allow you to have action sequences.
I had combat lessons and we choreographed the scenes but the director stopped me and said “What are you doing? She’s much more instinctive, she wouldn’t have those kinds of skills. She’s not like that, but her survival skills kick in when they have to.” So in the end I didn’t receive more training.
And what were you allowed to do?
I took a huge leap onto the water, and that was scary. At first I was excited, and then I don’t know what happened. I got too sensitive, I worried too much about the horses, I don’t know if the Snow White spirit took over me or what. I did enjoy filming outside, and not in the comfort of a movie set. All the time we were in the woods and I had dirty in my hair for weeks.
What’s the spin on the love story?
It’s not a coming of age movie, because when you meet her she grew up. What I thought was romantic was how she was so unaware of herself, devoid of vanity, not like girls her age. That disarms all the men around her. She has this effect on people, but she doesn’t know where it comes from. Things don’t happen like in the traditional story, so people will be surprised.
How’s the prince in this version?
He’s tied to her, they have the same spirit, they’re part of the Kingdom that is hers by blood. He is in her fate.
What makes you nervous?
I don’t know… finding the way to express myself properly. Sometimes it’s hard because when you love something, and you don’t want to share it with the world, I fear that I won’t be able to say the right thing, and I’ll give the wrong impression.
Kristen talks Rob and Cosmopolis. More Vids from the SWATH LA Screening
"I'm really truly impressed."
via RPLife
veronicaspuffy kstewartnews
More of Kristen's Interviews at the SWATH LA Screening here
Kristen and SWATH Cast Interview with MTV at the Movies
More from Rob's Interview with USA Today
USA Today On Nov. 18, he'll reprise his role as vampire/new father Edward Cullen opposite Kristen Stewart in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn— Part 2, the final installment in Stephenie Meyer's behemoth series.
But before that, he'll appear in a surreal role as a Wall Street banker in David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis (due in August), which earned a standing ovation for its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival.
"I used to think it was a good thing to have a safety net," says Pattinson, 26, of his starmaking Twilight role. "To know you're always safe is not real. It's got to matter."
So after Breaking Dawn, Pattinson will launch into a busy slate of projects that are starting to take shape.
"I have five things going — actually six," he says. "I'm pretty sure I know which one is going to be first."
That would be Mission: Blacklist (2013), based on the true story of the interrogator credited with locating Saddam Hussein after the fall of his regime. After that, Pattinson will head to Australia with Guy Pearce to shoot The Rover, a thriller set in the post-apocalyptic future. It will be directed by David Michod (who wrote and directed 2010's critically acclaimed Aussie film Animal Kingdom).
Like his role in Cosmopolis, this movie doesn't quite fit into a box.
"It's really complicated to explain," Pattinson says, laughing. "I seem to like choosing movies lately that are difficult to promote."
Via RPLife
Kristen's Interview with 20 MInuten -Switzerland
20minuten Youtube veronicaspuffy
Translation Robsteners
What do you like best about the new Snow White?
Kristen Stewart: At court Snow White is excluded and is not allowed to participate in the social life. Instead she's connected with plain citizens and would do everything for the people. That's nice.
Can you put yourself in this situation?
Yes, I do share too, however as a star, I share my life with the public, that's pretty crazy.
Has acting been your dream job ever since?
No, I think I started going to set with my mum a lot and I'd see kids on set. I was jealous and bored and I really wanted a job. The only thing you can do as a kid is acting. That was fun and a great responsibility. I felt awesome because I was treated like an adult. At 13 I made a movie and realized that I want to keep acting for myself. Yeah I love it.
Were you also treated like a thirteen-year-old while filming this movie?
No (laughs). The physical effort this time was enormous. I was aware of the fact that it'd be exhausting and cold. The movie shows the real conditions that we experienced on set. When I shiver in one scene, then I was really cold.
Videos from the Cosmopolis Screening in Paris
More videos under the CUT
Kristen talks about 'Racy' OTR Scenes and SWATH Injuries
E!OnLine- Marc Malkin Kristen Stewart doesn't sound too surprised about all the fuss that's been made about her going topless in On The Road.
"People are really predictable," she told me yesterday at the MTV Sneak Peek of Snow White and the Huntsman. "I completely expected that."
Not that she has any regrets about doing the racy flick…
"I can't say it's not a little bit jarring, but it's jarring in the right way," said Stewart, 22. "I wanted it to be. I'm really proud of it."
She said she didn't know what to expect from audiences when the film premiered earlier this month at the Cannes Film Festival. "Everyone could have gotten up and booed, but our row would have gotten up and cheered," Stewart said. "We all really do love it, so it would be like, 'Let's go have a drink!'"
Fortunately, the screening was boo-free.
Sounds like getting naked may have been easier than the pain she suffered while making SWATH.
"I would hurt myself every single day," Stewart said. "The thumbs was really bad, the worst one. But every other day it would be like, 'Ouch, it's this ankle or that ankle.' Or my butt muscle—I would do something stupid like pull my ass muscle." via
Rob on Le Petit Journal
Thanks to RPLife for the translation. Under the CUT
SWATH MTV Behind the Scenes Spots
Rob's Interview with Shortlist Magazine
Shortlist.com Robert Pattinson has swept away his teen idol persona in one fell swoop, thanks to Cosmopolis. ShortList’s Jonathan Crocker talks off-piste career choices with a reluctant superstar
Five minutes after meeting her, Robert Pattinson found himself having sex with French actress Juliette Binoche in the back of a limo. “She literally turned up and was like, ‘Let’s do it,’” he grins.
“It was just hilarious. There wasn’t enough room in the limo so she was banging her head on the ceiling.” So this is what’s it’s like to be Robert Pattinson. “It’s just boring,” he counters, almost apologetically.
What happens when you’re mega-rich, mega-handsome and mega-bored? You flip out. You get in a limousine and go on a ride that could change your life forever. Bouncy, backseat sex with an Oscar-winning actress. Boozy, late-night clubbing. Rabid crowds trying to get their hands on you. You beat up a guy in the street. You kill a man...
Great Read. Don't miss out!
New Pics of Rob from the Cosmopolis Lisbon PressCon/Photocall + New Quotes
About Giamatti
Rob: "I think he was more nervous than me"