Starts at 0:33, Rob's Interview 0:54.
Talks about his character. Talks about his career perspective after Twilight's success.
Rob talks about the Cosmopolis script, "it's quite complex... I like the lyricism of the script when I first read it, but in terms of really understanding it. I didn't really get it until we started shooting, then I started getting the rhythm and feeling of it..."
@melcitron/ RPLife.
Some parts of the Q and A are the same as the first vid. Rob talks about his fave scene to shoot (with PaulG) at 1:19. At 2:18, Rob talks about Mission:Blacklist. "The movie doesn't have a title yet...(shooting) next couple of months."
Rob and David Cronenberg's Interview with MoviePilot. Berlin Press Junket
MyAnna Buring and Xavier Samuel talk Rob, Kristen and Fame
MSNUK Twilight's MyAnna Buring has said watching co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart deal with the spotlight has made her realise fame isn't always what it's cracked up to be.
The 27-year-old Swedish actress - who plays vampire Tanya in Breaking Dawn Parts 1 and 2 - is impressed with the way the actors, who are a real life couple, deal with the attention, but is pleased she doesn't get as much.
MyAnna said: "I've only had lovely experiences with fans but I think it must be crazy for the main group. They handle it with amazing grace, but if people actually experienced it I think they would think again about how cool it is, because it can be really tough." via KStewAngel
EmpireonLine Xavier Samuel talks Rob's fame
How do you feel about the fan aspect of Twilight?
Xavier Samuel: I feel alright about it.
Would you ever want the level of fame and adoration it’s brought Robert Pattinson?
XS: I think that kind of adoration is a grotesque thing to yearn for, because it’s not about you. It’s about something else entirely. I’m trying to think of an example of where that adoration is genuine. I have no idea where it comes from. I feel a little bit removed from it actually. Obviously I’m not under the microscope like those other guys are.
Not yet.
XS: Right. It hasn’t been too invasive so far. I look at it and go, Okay, people are excited about the film, they like the story. That level of enthusiasm is a powerful thing. via
Bel Ami US and UK DVD Covers and Release Dates
US Release Date: August 7.
According to EonLine, there's also a behind the scenes featurette in the DVD.
Sign up to be notified when pre-order begins at Amazon: DVD and Blu-Ray
Via RPLife andcybermelli
UK Release Date: July 23
HMV Exclusive.
Disc One Extras: - Interviews: Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, Kristin Scott Thomas, Christina Ricci, Directors Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod - Behind the Scenes
Disc Two Extras: Berlin Film Festival special: · Press Conference with Robert Pattinson and directors · Robert Pattinson red carpet featurette.
Preorder NOW! BluRay and DVD
via via
Audio: Rob Interview from Cannes with W Radio (Colombia)
source via via via YouTube Veronicaspuffy
Rob talks about fans wanting see Cosmopolis, including Twilight fans, about his character Eric Packer "He's an alien". He also relates Cosmopolis to 'The Truman Show'. He talks about Hollywood, fame, people in the business... Talks about Cosmopolis being a contemporary story, his Jeffrey Dahmer 'voice' research. He also talks about being Cannes.
Some people still think of him as Edward, his reaction..."If I can make movies like this and come to Cannes, I don't care what people think. Whatever makes people want to see you..You cannot tell people what to think, you just have to try and do your best, try to do interesting things and that's the only thing you can only hope for."
Kristen's Interview with WWD. Talks Balenciaga's Florabotanica, Fashion, and Cali

Kristen with Nicolas Ghesquiere kstewartfans. The Balenciaga Florabotanica Print Ad. WWD HQ Scan KStewDevotee

The Florabotanica line will include 30ml ($65), 50ml.($95), and 100ml. ($125).eau de parfum sprays. Ancillaries are to include a body lotion and shower gel. PARIS — Kristen Stewart has played many new and varied roles in the recent past. She became a beatnik (in “On the Road”), a vampire bride (in the “Twilight” series), Snow White (in “Snow White and the Huntsman”) and Hollywood’s highest-paid actress (in real life), making $34.5 million in the 12 months ended May, according to Forbes. But few know that Stewart is now a fragrance aficionado, too.
She is the face of Balenciaga Paris’ new women’s scent, Florabotanica, which is due out in September. Given that Stewart had never been drawn to fragrance in the past, it was an unlikely part.
“On a base level, the reason you want to wear a fragrance is because you want to smell attractive,” said Stewart, sitting in a suite of Le Bristol hotel here, wearing a Balenciaga T-shirt, shorts and heels. “That in itself is a pretty mature idea, especially considering the teenager I was. I was never the one wearing my mom’s perfume and trying to be sexy. I was like hanging out with my brothers and doing the opposite of that. I’m very lucky that I like the fragrance, because I would have done anything with [Balenciaga designer Nicolas Ghesquière],” continued the 22-year-old. “And I’m a terrible liar.”
Stewart said she was relieved the first time she smelled Florabotanica. “There is something natural about it,” explained Stewart. “It’s very alive. I think that as a young person wearing it — considering that I’ve never worn a scent — it kind of puts you on this level of, like, ‘Whoa, check me out.’ ”
New Pics of Rob and Kristen from the OTR AfterParty
New Rob Interview from the Cosmopolis Berlin Premiere and Press Junket
Rob talks about getting inspiration from the serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer for Eric's character.
From the Premiere
MrDoeringerMartin RPLife
Tracey Heggins, Senna in BD2, talks about working with Rob and Kristen
Celebuzz The film’s director, Bill Condon, said it brought out a very paternal and motherly part of Rob and Kristen on set —aside from their swearing! Would you agree?
TH: Yes, Mackenzie had a swear dish, so each swear was per dollar. Some people said, “I’ll give you 20 dollars now before we even start working.” So, she whooped us all into shape with our dirty mouths.
CB: What was it like working with stars like Robert and Kristen?
TH: It was good because they were both really down to earth. It’s very scary to go off on a set with huge names. I mean, when you are number one on IMDB, it’s a little intimidating. But they were just cool, and Kristen was like a tomboy and was so down to earth. Rob was the same way. He actually has this almost self-deprecating, ‘Oh, did I just say that?’ And I understand why he did that because it made everyone else feel so comfortable. So thank you, Robert!
CB: What was it like filming the last scene of the series? Were there any tears on set?
TH: Yes, especially when we went back to re-shoot. It was really like, ‘This is over now.’ That was really rough. You feel like a void when it’s all done. No matter how much is in the movie or not in the movie, we spent a lot of time together. Everyone from all the behind-the-scenes people and wardrobe, etc. make a set happen. I’ll be honest: we all got a little misty — even Rob and Kristen.
Rob and David Cronenberg's Interview with West Art Magazine
RobSten FanVideo: Under Your Spell. Kristen - She is.
Under Your Spell
Sweet intense vid by @melg0510
Kristen. She is
By Fiorels
And this fun video requested by my baby niece, M. lol
Edward, Bella and Jacob. Call Me Maybe.
Kristen's Interview with Malone's Movie Minute. From Cannes
AliciaMalone @Mel452
Alicia Malone's interview with Rob was posted here
Rob and Kristen Featured on ET Love on the Set
ET Veronicaspuffy KStewAngel At 2:03. Kristen "We've been really lucky to like each other and so it felt like...for real, sparks kind of flew. It felt good."
Great editing from ET. lol Here's Kristen's BD promo interview in full. Posted last November
But yeah we all know Kristen feels that way towards Rob anyway. Quote or no misquote. lol
New/Old Fan Pics of Rob in London on His Birthday - May 13, 2012
Pics and Vids of Rob at Katy Perry's Premiere AfterParty. June 26, 2012.

Rob was at Katy Perry's 'Part of Me' Premiere AfterParty.
GossipCopWell, Gossip Cop has solved the so-called “mystery.” The woman is Kimberley Gordon, the Wildfox designer. And she is totally baffled by the baseless, presumptuous speculation somehow linking her to Pattinson. “It is absolutely not true,” she tells Gossip Cop. Gordon says, “I have a wonderful boyfriend and [Pattinson] has beautiful Miss Stewart!” She adds, “It’s insane how a second in time can be misinterpreted. I literally took a sip of water and walked inside and they made it look like we were out there for 10 minutes together.” Gordon tells us she feels like “another pawn in the paparazzi game.”
HQ Pics RPLife

More HQ Pics and Vids under the CUT
New Rob Interview from the Cosmopolis Berlin Premiere/Press Junket
Rob Interview at 1:22 and 2:09. via/YouTube Gossipgyal Thanks A.
Includes coverage of the Cosmopolis Berlin Premiere.
Rob's Interview with Firenze Made in Tuscany from Cannes
The interview is from meeting with the press in Cannes. Most questions were already published in sites/magazines, but there are a few new quotes. The journalist is the same that asks Rob to say 'Ciao Firenze' at the end of this video via RPLife.
Scans and Translation by RobertPattinsonMomsThank you Fiammy. At Cannes, when we meet him, Robert Pattinson is serene, sipping a Schweppes, eating a sandwich. And he listens to David Cronenberg as if he was a holy man, a father, a guru. Cronenberg is the director of his latest film, Cosmopolis. A contemporary nightmare, in which Pattinson plays a financial wizard, one of those who earn millions of dollars with one click. Crosses, uncaring, a Manhattan in flames, with the signs of a world - ours - that collapses, closed in the unbreakable casing of his limousine. After all, is a perfect Limousine also its reputation. His success , overwhelming, came after New Moon, shot also in Tuscany, from the Twilight Saga. Pattinson became immediately the "wet dream" of millions of little girls. And now, the twenty-six years guy, must work hard to prove that he is a real actor,
not a vampire that has sucked the success from one film.
"Twilight was a hiccup for him," says David Cronenberg, the encounter with the press, on the terrace of a hotel in Cannes. "Robert is an amazing actor, who before that film had already did challenging movies. He became popular against his will."
Cosmopolis Visual Effects Details + New HQ Images/Screencaps
The Art of VFX interviews James Cooper, the lead compositor on Cosmopolis and he discussed the film's visual effects at length and mentioned Rob. Here's an excerpt of the interview + new images from the film.
Sometimes Eric Packer occults the windows limo. Was there an on-set effect or is it your work?
It was a combination of both, actually. Initially that was to be a practical effect but David wanted to have options as to when the windows became fully opaque and when they returned to tinted transparency. To this end he shot the parts of the sequences where he was certain they would be opaque practically but left numerous shots on the front and back end of those shots as greenscreen. This allowed him much more control as to the timing of when the windows fell into darkness and for how long and gave us references as to what they would look like fully darkened.
Can you tell us about the design of the various screens inside the limo?
The character of Eric sees much more than just price and volume variations. He has a unique ability to look at the many different patterns that the volatility of the stock, commodity futures and money markets generate, analyze them and predict where they will end up in the near future. Keeping that in mind we started with the production design references and adapted them, adding our own design elements and animations to create more visually interesting screens than might normally be seen on a trader’s monitor.
Can you explain to us the shot in which Eric shots in his hand?
Well, in terms of visual effects I can. For motivation you’ll have to talk to Mr. Cronenberg. Apparently Robert Pattinson and his handlers balked at the thought of doing this as a practical effect so he just pointed the (unloaded) gun at his hand and pulled the trigger. We added the muzzle flash, smoke, wound and blood splatter in compositing.
Is there an invisible effect you want to reveal to us?
A particularly challenging shot has Eric entering an alleyway on a mission to confront his stalker. We needed to replace the building at the end of the lane way for continuity purposes but Eric passes through a chain link gate which is left swinging behind him. And, of course, the camera is moving as well. Production did not have a green screen big enough to cover the entire entrance to the lane way so we rotoscoped the gates, put them on cards in 3D space, tracked the camera and animated the roto to match the actual gate. All in all a very tricky shot.
What was the biggest challenge on this project and how did you achieve it?
Well, of course, making the driving shots believable was a challenge, particularly since David has a slightly surreal aesthetic even in his more, shall we say, realistic films. I’m not sure that he wanted the cityscape outside to feel too real. I would say the biggest technical challenge was in the keying. He wanted to shoot the interior of the limo with tinted windows in place in very low light. This presented some challenges in that the green screen luminance was considerably less than optimal and, because of the high ISO needed to shoot in such low light, was much grainier than ideal as well. Of course we wanted to keep every hair on everyone’s head in the keys so we spent a lot of time finessing them.
via/GIFs ROBsessed Spunk Ransom Non-Rob images at the source The Art of VFX