New Pics of Kristen at Heathrow - July 31. Producer welcomes SnowStew
And he tweets about the official filming date@vickigoesroar: When do you guys start filming in England?”August 15 principal photography begins .
More Untagged HQs after the CUT
Old/New Vid of Kristen and Taylor at the Premiere of 'A Better Life'
EyeBiteTV via KStewAngel
More posts re: the LAFF Premiere of A Better Life
New/Old Pic of Rob, David Cronenberg, and GouchyBoy on the Cosmopolis Set
Gouchy71 Robert Pattinson,Goûchy Boy and Director David Cronenberg on the set of COSMOPOLIS in Toronto,Canada!!!!
via RPLife
GouchyBoy plays Kozmo in Cosmopolis.
AnnaSophia Robb talks about Rob and BD's Siobhan, Lisa Howard talks working with Rob and Kristen
AnnaSophia Robb talks about her biggest starstruck moment with Rob. At 0:23. So cute!
And Lisa Howard, Siobhan in Breaking Dawn, talks about working with Rob and Kristen.
CLICK HERE TO WATCH at 1:11. Rob is a "really nice guy" and Kristen's "very nice and actually a little shy". They are " just regular people."
via RPLife
Old HQ and Fan Pics of Rob from TwiPromo- Hot Topic Tour. November 2008.
Ashley talks about Kristen and the BD Wedding Scene
Kristen Stewart had been preparing herself for the big Breaking Dawn wedding scene for a while, but it wasn’t only emotional for the actress who had to make the trek down the aisle. Ashley Greene revealed that it hit close to home seeing her gal pal marry Robert Pattinson (in character Edward Cullen) on set.
“It was weird because she is one of my very good friends and even though it’s a movie, you feel like it’s real,” Ashley told OK! Thursday night at the Ella Moss 10th anniversary event in L.A. showcasing her commemorative capsule collection. “You are acting so you are feeling these emotions, and she is my best friend in the movie, so you are seeing your best friend walk down the aisle so it was kind of odd that you get a little emotional. But then you are filming a movie so…”
So does she think K-Stew very nervous? “I would be nervous to walk down any aisle that I would trip — there are all of these people watching so I am sure she was,” she said.
source via fiercebitchstew
Rob Mentioned in EW's 'Men of Hunger Games' Article
Sweet Rob was mentioned at the beginning of Entertainment Weekly's 'Men of Hunger Games' article (August 5, 2011).
"Its an interesting thing to witness how a spotlight sits on a young actor. Weeks before Twilight stormed its way into theaters, for instance, a still largely unknown Robert Pattinson winced and demurred his way through a few questions on a crowded patio of a chic Los Angeles hotel. His posture was practically O-shaped as he spoke into the neckline of his shirt before wondering, rather endearingly, if we might go somewhere less populated. Today, at the bustling Early Girl restaurant in Asheville, NC an entirely different young man from an entirely different franchise, Josh Hutcherson, 18, sits beaming and gregarious over a rapidly vanishing plate of eggs and bacon. Hutcherson plays the beloved Peeta in the movie adaptation of Suzanna Collins' gripping trilogy, 'The Hunger Games."
This is such a sweet Rob-mention that I can't bypass. Hey, no need to hate on JoshHutch, they're just different individuals that's all.
RobSten FanVids: More from ComicCon. Vids by Fiorels, Diandra, and Patronuska
Keep on Feeling Better
More fun times at this year's Comic Con. Sweet vid by Fiorels90 Aww.
Kristen: "They're done. It's very official; they're united." on Bella and Edward...or about herself and Rob? Or as Josh says, "Whatever!" lol
I don't know how I missed this diandravid Jeesh. Anyhoo, here it is. Enjoy more R/K lovin. Aww at 1:30
They're done...It's very official
via robandkrispics
Its raining amazing R/K vids tonight. Woohoo! Another one from patronuska Great reason for the late FreddieM to sing, "I was born to love you." Rob totes was checking Kristen at 3:59. Sweet and sexy, yep, yep.
Born to Love You
Rob and Kristen's Interview with The Hot Hits
TheHotHits Rob said, "It was strange in that I didn't actually have to do anything other than wait there and I just watch Bella walk down the aisle. Kristen had so many different things to play and I just had to be standing there sort of like a statue! So it was kind of semi embarrassing!"
Rob added, "I feel like I've proposed forty times throughout the series so it's nice to have some sort of closure."
youtube via patronuska85 via spunk_ransom
Bill Condon talks about Breaking Dawn. Mentions Rob and Kristen.
This is just an excerpt of TwilightPoison's interview with Bill Condon. Head on to their site for the rest of the interview, also check out their Exclusive photo coverage of the recent San Diego Comic Con.
Q: About the honeymoon scene, I noticed of course the humor in that. Why did you guys choose to do it that way and how did that decision come about?
Bill: About being funny when she’s getting ready? It just felt like it was human. It was like, again, making everything as real as possible, and it’s like anybody in that moment when it’s like “Oh my God, it’s about to happen”, it’s one thing it’s gonna happen this night. God, it’s Bella, after all this time. And it’s a vampire, you know? But now is the moment and is just about making it as relatable as possible. Like, what do you do? You just try to control it in any way you possibly can. You know, you brush your teeth for the tenth time and do all those things to make yourself think that you’re ready, which of course you can’t do. And then the way we cut it it was just like a lot of jump cuts to make it like she’s sort of this nervous jangly thing. You know the way Kristen goes? (taps fingers impatiently on table, everyone laughs) that was the rhythm of it, you know? We matched that with the way we presented it.
Q: With the birth, like you talked about, it’s a violent birth, and the impending fight with the Volturi, then the honeymoon and the sex scenes. Knowing all those aspects, did you find it hard to balance the boundry between PG-13 and R? Did you sort of go to R and cut back? How did you approach that?
Bill: You know, I think it’s a good challenge because the thing that makes something R is literally showing it and if you give yourself that rule: I’m not gonna show, it’s not going to be frontal nudity, no one wants that, that is not appropriate here , but they are going to have intense love making scenes. Or we’re not going to, again, show splattering blood against the walls but it’s gonna be very visceral. It actually becomes a fun challenge to make sure you feel like you have the same experience without having to watch something clinical. I think it makes it better. There are great romantic scenes in PG-13 movies, you know?
More after the CUT
Complete SWATH Panel Fan Video
epnebelle The cam was focused on The Pretty the entire time. Sweet!
Previously posted SWATH Panel fan vids here - 2 sets.
On The Road Update: Producer Says Film Won't Be Ready for Toronto or Venice
Possibility of 'On The Road' at the Toronto International Film Festival (September 8-18, 2011)
charlegillibert @Sofi_1330 Hey, Do you think OTR might go to Tiff? Thanks! no, won't be ready..
via loik13
In case you missed this July7th tweet. Otr won't be ready for Venice.. and his last update about OTR's release "Otr may be a 2012 releasing.. There will be a trailer after summer !"
I updated the BD Honeymoon Post, check it out. Better, clearer version added but still LQ.
Robsten FanVids: All About Your Heart. Love Like Woe. You Make It Real For Me
Love the songs in these vids. More R/K lovin from the recent Comic Con. All together now.... Awwww.
by patty13Mai/Maika
Song: All About Your Heart by Mindy Gledhill. "Oh, I've loved you from the start. In every single way. And more each passing day. You are brighter than the stars. Believe me when I say. It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart."
By Martybet
Song: Love like woe by The Ready Set.
Song: You make it real for me by James Morrison
New Fan Pics of Kristen - SWATH Panel SDCC 2011
More gorgeous pics after the CUT
New EW-SWATH Portrait of Kristen and Charlize Theron- Scan
More Comic Con Fan Pics - Part 4
Thanks to Natasha Baucas, robkris13 and Jennifer Klobus of Spunk_Ransom for sharing.
Kristin Scott Thomas Talks about Rob
USA Today Kristin Scott Thomas is firmly on Team Edward. Yes, she's starring now in a wrenching film about the Holocaust. But Thomas, 51, also shot the period drama Bel Ami with Twilight's Robert Pattinson and laughs when asked about his appeal. "Yes, I understand, I understand," she says with a cool chuckle.
Q: Tell me about working with Pattinson in Bel Ami.
A: (Laughs) He is absolutely charming and delightful, and he looks very good in a top hat.
Read more
via RPLife