RobSten Fan Vid: Happy RobSten. You Are.

Thanks to Libenet . We all need a dose of "happy RobSten", right? Lib says Khou inspired her to make this vid and that she is her favorite. My girls are so sweet! Hello, I'm jealous here LOL j/k

Popsugar "Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart arrived in LA together just before Thanksgiving, and they've impressively managed to keep a low profile since the release of New Moon last month. They haven't been spotted together, though Rob has been seen out enjoying concerts and celebrating a friend's birthday. Robert and Kristen are apparently managing to hang out, though, amid recent reports that they had a romantic meal at Venice Beach on Wednesday. It's always nice to have a Rob and Kristen sighting, but it's also sweet that they're managing to let their relationship grow away from the public eye. So, tell us what you think — are you happy Rob and Kristen are successfully hiding out?"

I miss them so much. But truthfully, my answer would be "YES". And I know I share this sentiment with Gen and Raven. But my girls and I woudn't mind a sighting at LAX en route to LHR, say uhmmm this weekend?