The Daily Star Talks to Rob and Kristen about Eclipse. Kristen: after Kissing Jacob, "people were calling me a floozy"
And it’s set to be bigger and better than the previous bloodsucker blockbusters as heroes Edward and Bella are faced with more action danger and romance than ever before.
Industry insiders are predicting Eclipse will put the previous epics Twilight and New Moon into the shade as Britain goes vampire-crazy for the latest instalment, which has its UK premiere tonight.
This time, vamp-loving Bella has got just two things on her mind – being made into a bloodsucker herself and getting undead boyfriend Edward into bed.
But he refuses to jump between the sheets with her as he doesn’t believe in sex before marriage.
Eventually he promises to give into her desires, after she finishes school – and as long as she marries him before they get frisky and he makes her immortal.
Heart-throb Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward, reckons their chaste relationship keeps fans on the edge of their seats.
“If they just randomly had sex it would ruin the whole series,” the Brit actor says with a laugh. “It’s that moment of anticipation – whether it’s at the point of not knowing if someone likes you, or whether they like you enough to go into this.
“It’s the fear as well, especially if neither party has had sex before. I guess the fear kind of multiplies the desire and we’ve stretched that out. I think that’s why it has so many fans.”
Kristen Talks to NY Mag about Eclipse and WTTR. Says about Gandolfini: "We had like a Mowgli-Baloo Dynamic"
With all the frenzy about the Twilight movies, what’s your best story about running or hiding from the paparazzi?
Um, the best is when you can just pull up to places before them, and I know that I can run faster than them. And that’s satisfying every single time, and that happens quite a bit, so ...
Really? That happens a lot?
Yeah. I mean, they just can’t catch me, which is awesome. As long as the parking situation is okay, that’s always satisfying.
You can even outrun them in those Louboutin heels?
Definitely not.
Peter Facinelli has joked about how the guys in this series have to work out obsessively to remain buff.
Which one of the guys is the most vain and body-obsessed?
[Laughs.] Oh my gosh, I don’t know. I mean, they’re all very devoted, but it’s funny when the wolf pack breaks out in little mini–push-ups and they start punching each other in the stomachs. And then suddenly we just have to do a scene, and it’s like, “You guys!” It sort of takes you out of it for a second, you know, in a funny way.
You did a movie with James Gandolfini, Welcome to the Rileys. Did you get to do scenes with him?
Yeah, most of my scenes are with him.
What was he like? Is he intimidating?
He was. I mean, at first I was definitely intimidated. He’s just very, um … he’s incredibly honest, which is something I really like. It’s just that at first it’s sort of like, whoa. Also, I think the script itself was sort of so ambitious, I think everyone, even Melissa Leo and James — who really have no reason to be nervous about stuff anymore — even they were ... not nervous, but ... They knew what they were getting themselves into, and that rubbed off on me, and I was, like, Whoa, I’m really a part of something that’s, like, not going to be so easy. I mean, those are all the best ways to feel before you do a movie, but we got along great. He’s awesome. We had, like, a Mowgli-Baloo dynamic.
So when the cameras were off, he sort of chatted and joked with you? He seems very quiet to the press when he’s promoting his own projects.
Yeah, he is definitely quiet, it’s not like he’s just that way for you guys — but he’s really funny, too, and we had a good time working on it.
Kristen and Taylor Talk about What They Plan To Do with Their Twi-Earnings - AP Interview
Eclipse Sets Records, Earns More Than $30M Overnight
The blockbuster third installment of The Twilight Saga opened to more than $30 million on its first night in North America.
It surpasses the previous midnight opening record holder, which was the second Twilight installment, New Moon, at $26.3 million.
It’s too early to know whether Eclipse will top New Moon’s (full) first day record of $72.7 million.
The movie also set a new IMAX record for midnight grosses with over $1 million from 192 theaters, beating Transformers 2’s $959,000.
Variety Summit's "Eclipse" scored massive figures Tuesday night, with more than $30 million at some 4,000 engagements, enough to become the all-time highest-grossing pic for midnight runs.
The franchise's third outing, which surpassed "Twilight" predecessor "New Moon" ($26.3 million) for the late-night crown, will expand to 4,416 U.S. locations today. Large-screen exhib Imax posted north of $1 million from 192 engagements, a record-setting take for the company.
Some 12 territories, including Brazil and Mexico, also screened "Eclipse" during midnight showings. Most markets will continue the film's international rollout today, with additional bows July 1. Pic will launch day-and-date in 42 overseas markets.
Pic's midnight take reps a sizeable start Stateside over the Fourth of July weekend as its core aud of young femmes mostly are on summer vacation. "Eclipse" will go against the frame's other wide release Paramount's "The Last Airbender," which is expected to best serve males aged 25 and under.
Rob and Kristen's Interview with Kevin's Reel World
YTsource RPLife
Rob tells of Edward's painful acceptance of Bella and Jacob and Kristen shares how she and Bella dealt with two guys fighting over her character.
Jackson describes Rob, Kristen and Eclipse Cast in One Word
Metric's 'Eclipse' (All Yours) Music Video - Includes Eclipse Scenes
Thanks Gina/@TravelerGLG for the heads up.
Love this song!
Kristen tells her 'Welcome to the Riley's' Role affected her the most.
"Rebecca Yeldham, LAFF director, moderated the discussion and first asked Stewart if she consciously chose parts "that couldn't be further from Bella" when taking roles outside the smash supernatural romance series that has made her an international sensation.
"No, it's never been, I've never chosen," Stewart said, beginning one of her notoriously halting, slightly elliptical answers, partly seeming self-aware enough to not want to repeat herself from previous interviews and partly unsure of how to put her thoughts into words, as if her mind were moving much faster than her mouth.
"It's a strange word to say 'chosen,' but I've never chosen anything I wasn't so moved by," she continued. "Liking something, it's a similar feeling to read something, it's such an undeniable emotion, whatever, to feel like you want to live and learn from that. And I had that with this. It really doesn't matter the budget of the movie -- I had that with 'Twilight.' Yeah, so, there you go."
In a question from the audience, Stewart was asked how she prepared for her "Rileys" role.
"I learned how to dance a bit, which you don't really see in the movie," Stewart said. "It was good for me, to learn from that you get bruises all over your body. It's really tiring. It hurts."
Stewart said she also talked to women at the strip club where parts of the film were shot. "And that was good for me because a lot of people really are dead inside when you look in their eyes, and it was hard for me at the beginning to understand what could push you to lose that. Basically these girls walk around like open wounds, like physically, literally, all the time, all day."
Asked if there was a scene in "Rileys" that was particularly difficult to shoot, Stewart mentioned a scene in which she and Leo discuss a certain female issue -- "the urinary tract infection scene," she called it -- and noted how Leo's off-camera performance during Stewart's close-up was particularly useful.
"She made me feel really, really, really weird," Stewart said, turning to Leo and asking "was it weird for you?" when she asked Stewart if she couldn't urinate.
"I'm somebody's mother, Kristen," Leo said. "It's not funny to ask if you made pee-pee if your pee-pee's feeling bad. That's what you do."
A young woman who said she came from Sweden haltingly asked why Stewart had said in another interview that her character in "Rileys" was the one she connected with the most. "Maybe it just affected me the most. It's hard to say," replied Stewart. "Sometimes you can leave [stuff] at work and sometimes you can't."
Kristen at LAX- June 30, 2010
Lay off on 'hunky BG' you guys, he is just doing his job. He needs to be close, remember that 'sharpie' incident during the premiere?
Extra TV Talks about Rob and Kristen on Forbes Most Powerful Celebrities
Kristen says "That's great. That's an honor."
Kristen and Taylor's Interview with WGN
Kristen talks about working with different directors. Bella and Jacob kiss.
Kristen on fans wanting to know about her personal affairs at 3:40
Taylor discusses his physical transformation. Bella and Jacob kiss. Plans to do more comedy and his SNL experience.
If you missed Rob's Interview with WGN click HERE
Kristen's Interview with AlloyTV
Kristen reveals the star of the blooper reel.
Rob, Kristen and Taylor's Interview with IGN
Taylor: Eclipse is guy-friendly. Talks about Jacob being frustrated with his love for Bella.
Rob: Eclipse is more accessible and guy-friendly because of the fighting.
Kristen: Talks about Bella, her decisions and considering Jacob in her life. Talks about how she portrays Bella and defends her.
They talk about David Slade's adding dark tones in the film/franchise, which is different but good.
fiercebitchstew via
More Interviews From The NYC Special Screening
ET Star-studded NYC Screening
Rob, Kristen and Taylor's Interview with Ben Lyons. Lyon's Den Trivia
Where Does Rob Sees His Career in 10 Years
What does Kristen Doesn't Want
Where did Taylor first meet fans of the Twiligt Series
E! News: Eclipse Stars Spill Secrets. Bryce Dishes ABout Her Fight Scenes With Rob
at 1:57
E! News: Eclipse Chaos Continues. Kristen takes off her shoes. Wax Rob in Hollywood
Kristen is so cute, taking off her heels " I don't give a sh*t!" lmao
Please Ryan never connect NR with Rob "big screen sister". Eww.
ETA: I am off to my second and third Eclipse screening. So I maybe out for a couple of hours. I will not spoil it for you guys, but I will assure you David Slade, Rob, Kristen and Tay did not disappoint. I will also spare you from spoilers on the comments section, so that means I will not approve comments that would seem spoilerish. I will set up a sticky post for all our 'gushy' comments about Eclipse, ok? Reminder, not all of us have seen it or is going to see it tomorrow, so be kind - hearts to everyone!
Rob's Interview with TV Guide
'RPattz' annoys
Edward and Bella Caps from the Eclipse Grad Clip
Kristen and Taylor's Interview with ET at the NYC Eclipse Screening
Talk about the fans and their new movies.
Wyck Godfrey Talks about Rob and Kristen with Time Mag
Do you want the honest answer? I haven't even thought of it that way.
That's not the honest answer.
It really is. I honestly don't think of it in terms of business. It doesn't affect our core business at all. The thing I do think about is, Oh my God, I hope they stay together. Because it could be awkward on set in the next movie if they have a huge falling out. It's like, Wow, they have to portray this love story through two more movies. God, I hope they stay together; please stay together. That's what affects my day-to-day.
But you walk by newsstands and it's a publicist's dream: they are on every cover.
I don't feel it's out there anymore. Do people still report on it? If you look at people who have a stable personal life, the rags get tired of them. I think we're heading to that place where they are together and that's their life and we better find someone new to create drama out of.
Read the full interview at
GossipCop reported on this too. And you know that GC is somehow Summit's PR so, yep they are confirming Wyck's interview as real and therefore its contents.. REAL.
Seriously kids, I find it funny that you get all excited about Wyck's statement. Do we still need a confirmation on Rob and Kristen? Well, I don't need it anymore. And I would prefer that they never talk about it or never confirm it ever. I will gladly give that to them. Whatever makes them happy and whatever makes their relaysh stronger, I am all for it. Just read Wyck's last statement again, it's not "out there anymore". For him its not a 'standing question' anymore- its already a 'given'. So let us put all the doubt to rest and let us just bask in RobSten love, ok? If you don't agree I suggest you move to a blog that still questions Rob and Kristen, or to the N's site, who enjoy everyday drama.
Seriously lovies, Creme de la Mer costs too much these days. lmao. No need to worry, no need to fuzz.
Taylor on Swapping Spit with Rob. More on Kristen's Pie- Making Skills
"We're always like an inch away from each other's faces, screaming at each other, spitting at each other in the face. It gets a little awkward," Taylor Lautner told PEOPLE of costar Robert Pattinson at Monday's Cinema Society and Piaget-hosted screening of their latest Twilight film in New York.
Did Pattinson have to duck any major projectiles? "Not anything super dramatic," Lautner says, "but I'm sure he caught a couple splats."
Shouting at each other doesn't come naturally for two guys who don't, in real life, despise each other. And so, the scenes often veer into laughter. "Rob and I ruin a lot of takes," Lautner admits. "It's hard to keep a straight face, because we actually like each other. So, it's pretty funny."
With Pattinson filming Water for Elephants, Lautner, 18, was joined at the screening by costar Kristen Stewart, 20. Both actors said they've been enjoying some relatively quiet time recently.
Lautner said he's been following the World Cup – "I was rooting for the U.S., and that was a bummer," he says – while Stewart has been indulging her passion for music and cooking. "I'm fairly obsessed with [indie rocker] Jenny Lewis right now," she admits. "I'm in a state of grief because I'm missing her show in L.A."
But the cooking is going well – and it sounds like Stewart is being resourceful. "I like making pies," she says. "I have a bunch of fruit trees in my backyard. My loquat tree sprouted, and I like making loquat pie. They're really hard to peel and everything, and it took me forever, but they make the best pies. They're amazing."
people/ RPLife
lol at People's title. After EW cover... this! OMG!
Taylor Dishes on Kristen's Culinary Skills
Apparently, when Kristen Stewart isn't making movies, visiting talk shows or dodging paparazzi, the actress is quite the foodie and budding chef.
"I cooked dinner for 20 people; I was really proud of myself," the 20-year-old told MTV News at the red carpet for a special screening of "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" in New York on Monday night.
"I get really embarrassed when people ask me what I cook, for some reason," she added. "I shouldn't say that I cook anymore. There was like a big BBQ situation and, like, a bunch of steaks and veggies, and I made chicken piccata. I'm so embarrassed right now. But I made homemade marinara sauce starting at, like, 2 in the afternoon. It wasn't done until 8. It was incredible. The 'Twilight' cast showed up."
But even though Taylor Lautner is a fan of Stewart's cooking, he didn't get an invitation to the big feast. Maybe it was a vampires-only meal?
"I have sampled her food," he said, when he heard about the dinner party. "I was not at the feast, Kristen. But I have tried her food."
Lautner may have missed out on her marinara sauce, but he did get to sample a more unusual dish Stewart whipped up. "Like, OK, you know kumquats? There's apparently a fruit called loquats. Yeah, I didn't know either. And she made a loquat pie."
Pics of Kristen On 'The Today Show'

Gorgeous Fan Pics
@NicWise/Nicole Wiseman's Facebook Thanks so much Nic!
kstewartfans/more at kstewartfans
She looks like a young Marg Helgenberger in some shots, (almost)red-hair gorgeous!
I think Kristen totally forgot her necklace. Is it too early baby girl? Or... she is playing with us again. We know she knows, we know right? I had a 'Freinds' moment there, I'm sorry. lol
Kristen on 'Regis and Kelly'
via RobstenLoveCom
I included Tay's picture from yesterday with Kelly and her hubby, Mark Consuelos