I know you all love silly romantic moments like this. *grins* So here goes... in celebration of our fave fictional characters' wedding anniversary, first, let us have some quick laughs via Stickman Theater's version of Breaking Dawn Part 1. via

My fave - "Really? Two virgins give their first try in the ocean? Good luck with that!". Just brill!
And a must for any wedding milestone... some sappy moments. lol
First, beautiful E/B collages by Anita of RobStenCollages and LiveLoveKStew and...
lots of super sweet 'Edward and Bella' pretty Tumblr edits - all... after the CUT.
Here's to you Mr. and Mrs. Cullen! Can't wait to watch your wedding vid on November. Teehee.
First, beautiful E/B collages by Anita of RobStenCollages and LiveLoveKStew and...
lots of super sweet 'Edward and Bella' pretty Tumblr edits - all... after the CUT.
Here's to you Mr. and Mrs. Cullen! Can't wait to watch your wedding vid on November. Teehee.
sources: edwardandbellacaps/kissthefuture amora goldenstories frowning hour willherondale beautyangel missfrozenyogurt likeloversdo anoldpolaroid paintedinblues getofftheirdicks insanedreams dress paperfingers floatingsky via fuckyeahedwardandbella
Thanks guys.