David Slade Has Something To Say About The "Future."

DAVID_A_SLADE was tweet-happy last night.  I sensed he was frustrated and had something to say.  Let's hear him out.  This is like Sudoku I'm telling you or he merely had a "Nostradamus moment".
DS can be dark and funny, so what do you think?  Are you scared of Eclipse now?  Or are you scared "about" Eclipse now?  lol

"IN THE FUTURE artificial intelligence google apps will tell us whether we are indeed reading real news or just a blog.

IN THE FUTURE ai apps will be grade online journalism for its accuracy, poignancy, grammar and quality of writing.

IN THE FUTURE online ai grading will lead to the demise of blogging and the new rise of quality journalism.

IN THE FUTURE actors will have tiny GPS trackers positioned all over their skin so they can act in performance capture anywhere they want.

IN THE FUTURE there will be no need for actors.

IN THE FUTURE there will be no need for directors.

IN THE FUTURE there will be no need for you or me. But we will still be here.

IN THE FUTURE painting will still be a dead medium, and people will still paint.

IN THE FUTURE our children will be born more intelligent than we could ever be.

IN THE FUTURE everyone will be happy all of the time.

IN THE FUTURE everyone will lie to each other each and every minute of the day, and everyone will know.

IN THE FUTURE there will be no context for anything, and nothing will be in context.

IN THE FUTURE there will be no shades of grey, just facts.

IN THE FUTURE no one will know anything, and everything will be subjective and all facts will be true, in every sense.

IN THE FUTURE, the future will be out of fashion.

IN THE FUTURE the future will be in fashion, but just for 15 minutes.

I give you THE FUTURE, and goodnight. DS."