Breaking Dawn Release Date Confirmed!

HitFix  A Sum­mit Enter­tain­ment spokesper­son has con­firmed to Hit­Fix that “The Twi­light Saga: Break­ing Dawn” will open nation­wide on Nov. 18, 2011. It’s still offi­cially unknown if “Dawn” will be bro­ken up into one or, as rumored, two films. Stars Kris­ten Stew­art, Robert Pat­tin­son and Tay­lor Laut­ner are all expected to return.

Directed by Oscar-winner Bill Con­don, the fourth book in Stephe­nie Meyer’s pop­u­lar series chron­i­cles Bella’s most advanced ini­ti­a­tion into the vam­pire world to date, but is also seen by many as the most dif­fi­cult to adapt of all the best-selling nov­els. Melissa Rosen­berg, who adapted the first two nov­els, would con­tinue in that role for “Dawn.”

The third movie in the series, “The Twi­light Saga: Eclipse,” will debut in the­aters on June 30 nation­wide and in IMAX.

The ever reliable Ms. Nikki Finke of Deadline Hollywood has a few more details:

"the studio still has no official word on whether it's be 2 films or one -- but  Deadline sources still say it'll be 2 pics and Bill Condon will direct both."

Yep our bet is on two films,and we will have more confirmations along the way.

via source