Kristen's Reaction To The First Ever Eclipse Trailer

Cinematical asked Kristen and Dakota their thoughts about the NEW Eclipse trailer.
"When I asked if either of them got to see the trailer, Stewart and Fanning turned to one another for reactions. "Did you watch it?" Stewart asked Fanning.

"No, I didn't," Fanning replied. "I watched it," Stewart said with enthusiasm. When I prodded her for specific feelings, she said, "Well, it's really fast, isn't it? It's sort of like a couple of pictures strung together. But it looks good – it looks good! I think Taylor [Lautner] looks really great. Like, he looks very strong and I love his voice in it," she said. "He's good in it."
Baby girl is always so self-conscious talking about Robward. She always put out Taycob as defense. lol. I seriously think Rob was so buff as Edward in this third installment. I guess all that boxing training paid off for our golden boy.