Chris Weitz's Biggest "New Moon" Regret - It's An Edward and Bella Scene

So, what would Weitz have done differently, if he had it to do it all over again?

"I wouldn't have shot Bella running through the forest with Edward, because I've never been at a screening of the film in which people didn't laugh at it," Weitz told me. "My heart sinks every time I hear that." (Oh poor CW!)

Weitz blames that snafu on the fact that "New Moon" wasn't previewed for audiences or focus groups, partly due to their intense deadlines and intense demand for "Twilight" content online.

"The moment anything is shown anywhere in public you can see it on the Internet in about a second," Weitz said. "Something being shown at the Rome Film Festival for 400 people is given away instantly, [such is] that extreme portability of media."

So if he had the change to do it again, how would he reveal Stewart for the first time as a sparkly-skinned vampire?

"I think I would've shot it in a much simpler way, and have it be an extreme close-up on Kristen and her eyes. She's got a great face, and that would've been very satisfying. But I'm a sap," Weitz said

I don't know, maybe there's something really wrong with me but I truly gushed at this scene. I honestly loved it.
Oh Khou, you're so sweet. You're probably right, there is something wrong with the two of us- lol
OMGEEE! Sunny didn't laugh, too. And she swooned...
It's true then we are the oddest bunch out there because of this - among other things... *winks*