Rob To Appear On The View - March 2

From the Orlando Sentinel.

Mark your cal­en­dars, “Twi­light” fans. Robert Pattinson makes his first appear­ance on ABC’s “The View” on March 2.

He will be there to pro­mote the film “Remem­ber Me” with co-star Emi­lie De Raven. That film comes out in March and casts Pat­tin­son as a trou­bled col­lege stu­dent who becomes infat­u­ated with De Raven’s character

via SpunkRansom

Rob Pattinson wants you to "Remember Me."
So much so that he's actually appearing on ABC's "The View" talk show for the very first time on March 2, 2010. Can "Saturday Night Live" be far off?

Oh, this should be great TV.

Pattinson will promote his new movie "Remember Me," (opening March 12) in which he acts alongside Emilie De Raven, who plays Claire on "Lost." In the movie, Robert is a troubled college student who is infatuated with Emilie's character.

But we can't wait to see what Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara Walters and Joy Behar do with this poor guy. We predict blushing and stammering. From Robert, that is.

And you just know Joy is gonna cut to the chase and ask, "What is really going on between you and Kristen Stewart?" She may finally get a solid answer for all his fans.

Unless Robert's handlers insist on no personal questions. Let's see if the "View" gals agree to that restriction. Will you tune in to see? source