Its Seth Clearwater peeps! BooBoo Stewart bagged the most coveted werewolf (Oh, okay shapeshifter) boy in the Twilight Saga other than Jacob Black's character. He is most special because he gets to fight side by side with Edward Cullen (squeeeeel!) and eventually became his BFF lol.
BooBoo is 15 years old and a Disney kid and karate expert. He is also a former member of T-Squad together with his two sisters, Fivel and Maegan, so that means he is singer and dancer, too. A perfect fit for the Twilight cast if I may say, I bet he can join the jam seesions with the Cullen family, of course before his bedtime. lol.
We will get to see him in the big screen when The Twilight Saga: Eclipse open worldwide June 30, 2010.