K-11 in Cannes Update

BTS Still. K-11 Director Jules Stewart and actress, Kate Del Castillo

MamaStew and Libertine producer, Tom Wright tweeted some 15 hours ago...
RealJulesStew "Arrived south of France, Cannes beautiful, great villa, perfect weather... no luggage. Thanks United Airlines!"
TomWright "In Cannes, perfect weather, and the first K11 buyers screening was packed... So far so good, now we just need our lost bags!"

and an hour ago, good news from K11OfficialFilm "Cannes update - lost bags have arrived!"

Again, Jules and Tom Wright are in Cannes to market K-11 to film buyers. Good luck, MamaStew! If missed, Kristen will have a special micro-cameo in her mother's directorial debut. More here  

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