Kristen at the 2012 Kids Choice Awards - March 31, 2012
SWATH TV Spot #3 'Hunt Her Down'
TV Spot Number 3 - Hunt Her Down
kstewartnews / the movie box youtube KStewDevotee
New Fan Pic of Rob from Last Night - March 30, 2012
via via
For those who are asking...sorry guys, no pic of Kristen from the source
Rob and Kristen Spotted at The Hotel Cafe - March 30, 2012. At Johnny Flynn's concert
"And his tall glorious self leaned down, going in for the kill and proceeded to make out with Kristen for at least a minute."

mindthegapsound spotted: robert pattison and kristen stewart at @thehotelcafe. btw, our show is at 11:30pm. come one, come all! #MTG #music #LA
TheDaisyFLower I spy vampires @hotelcafe #twilight

StephStew1 At The Hotel Cafe right now. Johnny Flynn (Robs buddy) is up next.ROBERT PATTINSON just arrive at The Hotel Cafe!!!!! Kristen stewart is here too. With Robert at Hotel Cafe.
@lovehobogingers At Hotel body is read for johnny flynn. hi Rob and Kristen....yes since its out they are at the hotel cafe. ROB LEANING AGAINST THE WALL AND KRISTENS HAS HER BACK TO HIS CHEST.
More of her tweets under the cut.
via @Alice_inTwiland @vonch @patsystew Thanks lovies.
Kristen in Kiss Mag 2006
"Since scaring us witless in Panic Room, Kristen Stewart, 15, has been in hot demand. Yep, the young actress, who more than held her own working with Oscar-winner Jodie Foster, will soon be appearing in the rom-com, In the Land of Women and we're more than a little jealous - her co-star is the gorgeous Adam Brody. Watch this pretty face, we reckon this versatile star is destined for big things."
Reader Aislinn was going through some old Kiss Magazines (Irish Teen Mag) and found this from the January/February 2006 Issue. Thanks for sharing bb.
Official 'Cosmopolis' Poster in Bigger HQ
New SWATH BTS Videos
No new SnowStew scenes but we have our handsome Prince William, Sam Claflin. and the sexy Huntsman, Chris Hemsworth doing the intros.
On the Set: Death in the Throne Room
On the Set: First Battle
SnowWhiteYT kstewartnews
Kristen to Attend the 2012 Kids' Choice Awards
The show will be this Saturday, March 31 at 8PM ET and will air LIVE on Nickelodeon/ Taylor Lautner is also confirmed to attend.
Be sure to tune into E! this Saturday at 7:00 PM ET/PT to catch Ross Matthews and Kelly Osbourne chat up the stars as they arrive at the Kids' Choice Awards!
@marcmalkin yup, we're hearing kristen stewart will b at kids choice. :-)
Kristen is nominated for Favorite Movie Actress, Rob for Favorite UK Actor, and Taylor for Fave Butt Kicker. Twilight is also nominated for Fave Book.
LIVE STREAM LINK via gossip_dance
Official US 'Bel Ami' Poster in HQ
Check out the Magnolia site regularly for theater listing and play dates.
Updated! Visit the Bel Ami Official US site and don't forget to like the Official FB Page
New 'Cosmopolis' Still in HQ
Gorgeous couple, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Packer in HQ
Check out the HQ stills of the other characters at or @RPLife
Robert Pattinson our Sexy British is trending worldwide!

Kristen FanVid: Amazing The Way You Are
Early birthday tribute video for Kristen by the amazing Libenet
Kristen and SWATH in Empire Magazine - May 2012
Thanks to Gossipgyal for the full transcript via
iPad/HQ scans by @mfoc/source via @KStewDevotee
From Empire Magazine, May 2012 issue“I think we’re actually doing quite a classical telling of it,” says Kristen Stewart, who plays Snow White. Although, talking to Empire on the Pinewood Studios, set, she’s not exactly looking like a classical version of the character. Her long, dark hair is pulled back in a functional ponytail and she is dressed in grubby trousers, shirt and a long jacket that looks like it’s been through the machine on ‘sump oil wash’. No wafting skirts or even a hint of anything puffy.
“I don’t think I traditionally knew anything of Snow White other than the Disney version, and that is really quite different from the original story, which is much more [sinister and bloody]. There are obviously real changes to our story, but in terms of who she is, which is very much the innocent, I think we’re really in keeping with the original character.”
Sanders may be captaining the ship, but the thing that’s drawn most attention is its figurehead. Coming off the back of one of the biggest franchises in history, Kristen Stewart had mixed fortunes.On the one hand, Twilight had given her box-office clout and meant she could cherrypick almost any project she liked – her name now probably enough to greenlight a movie. On the other, her fanbase knows her as a romantic lead an almost equally lage group know her as “That girl from Twilight, which I hate”. Her next step was to prove that she can carry a movie that doesn’t have an in-built hyperventilating audience.
“My first reaction was, ‘No Way. I’m not doing the franchise movies,’” Stewart says, coughing through an early winter cold. “I’m used to doing smaller-scale movies. Twilgiht was my first experience of that scale, and I never expected that to be so big. But it’s weird what speaks to you… It certainly wasn’t like (adopts stern voice), ‘What is this going to do for my career?’ The film’s about identity issues and stepping up to the plate. I’m pretty impulsive and it just grabbed me”.
Full transcript under the CUT
Florence and the Machine Tapped for SWATH Soundtrack
MTV “Snow White and the Huntsman” doesn’t hit theaters until June 1, but we already have information about the film’s soundtrack — and just who will be involved in it.
Namely, Florence and the Machine, who will channel all their ethereal, otherworldly magic into a brand-new song — called “Breath of Life” — for the “Huntsman” soundtrack. We’ve yet to hear “Breath,” but thanks to the good folks at Universal, we know it’s one of many songs featured on the soundtrack and comes backed by a full orchestra and choir. More of Florence talking about their composition here
Thanks to kstewartnews youtube
Kristen talks 'Fifty Shades of Grey' - From Entertainment Weekly
Oh my! lol. I know you guys are interested to read the whole article (under the cut), so enjoy...
Cameron Stewart talks K-11, mom Jules and Kristen

RealJulesStew "Sledgehammer in K-11 was written for Cameron but he's so shy I never thought he would actually do it, and now he's in People. Very strange."
"Really proud of Camdog's acting abilities in K-11, but now he's taken up archery... look out people."

From People Magazine. Cameron Stewart's Film Debut.
Kristen Stewart's big brother Cameron is making his acting debut in K-11, a prison-drama written and directed by their mom, Jules,58, due out later this year. Cameron, 26, worked as a production grip for five years before moving in front of the camera for his role as Sledgehammer, a neo-Nazi in an LA prison ward. “My mom kind of wrote the part based on me." says Stewart who already had a Mohawk. "Not because I'm a tweaker but because I'm skinny. So I guess she was going for the whole skinny-Mohawk-neo-Nazi thing. Acting in the first project directed by his mother, a long-tme script supervisor, proved to be a bonding experience for the pair. "You have a solid support base when you are at work" he says. "This put us out of our element together. I feel closer with my Mom, a camaraderie. I had a lot of fun doing it." he adds. "And if my sister can do it, then I thought I could do it.”
Scan epnebelle via KstewAngel
Cameron and Kristen in Vogue Italy (2007). More HERE
Cosmopolis in Best Movie Mag. Quotes from Rob and David Cronenberg
Thanks Fra for the translation:
Fear and delirium in Manhattan. "I'm scared" confesses Robert Pattinson.
"Fear for an actor is always a good thing. And he's fantastic, sensational, a great performer" responds indirectly David Cronenberg.
"The script is crazy and difficult," the actor continues.
"I felt he was the right person, I had an intuition. I know that for Robert this is a grand leap" echoes the director.
Distance dialogue between student and teacher, for months busy on the set of their first project together, the big screen adaptation of Cosmopolis, the surreal novel by Don DeLillo. "In the year 2000. One day in April" Thus begins the 24-hour-long odyssey of Eric Packer, a 28- year-old multimillionaire who, after leaving home in his white limousine to go to the barber, gets stuck in the traffic in central Manhattan and is involved in a series of events that will jeopardize his safety and his fortune ... It would be impossible to describe in few words the surreal journey the protagonist takes in a limitless Manhattan, a sort of virtual town where the limo floats like in a social network and chats with other "traces" of humanity. Between tasers, pies in the face, the threat of someone wanting to kill him (both a real person and the symbol of a humanity with no future) and the presence of his mysterious partner, ethereal woman, guardian angel, and constantly betrayed wife. After Crash, Cronenberg continues his exploration of the modern metropolitan world, hallucinated and perverse, with a cast which also includes Paul Giamatti, Juliette Binoche and Mathieu Amalric.
A MOVIE NOT TO BE MISSED to observe the modern world through Cronenberg's crazy look. And because it could be Pattinson's professional 'redemption'.
KStewDevotee RPLife