SWATH Filming in Bourne Woods, Farnham?
VictoriaMaule "Lots of filming happening in Bourne Woods, Snow White film with Kristen Stewart, worth a look #Farnham. Although not sure whose on set, couldn't see any huge trailers. #Farnham
DarrenPStone massive film set in the bourne woods #farnham after the dark shadows set has been dismantled apparently this one is for #snow white
Bourne Woods Pic links (Older film sets) MovieCastle Robin Hood set
About Farnham from CharlesBarsley.com "Farnham, also known to some as Nottingham forest. this is because the Lower Bourne Woods in Farnham are a commonly used film location. The first film to be filmed here was Gladiator starring Russell Crowe. The opening scene from the film with the Roman army lined up against the enemy horde was filmed in these woods, since then famous films have included Children of Men, The Golden Compass, Harry Potter (can’t remember which), Wolfman, and now Ridley Scott’s 2010 Robin Hood."
via AdeleStew / SWATHFansite / SheevaC
Snow White and the Huntsman