Thanks for all your lovely comments about this series. They totally warm my heart. We recapped the year 2008 for Part 2 .You can also check Part 1 here for the Twilight RobSten bubble.
And this is part 3 , in between, Twilight promo duties and Kristen filming "Welcome To The Rileys", Rob and Kristen managed to finish 2008 with a bang. Towards the end of December we witnessed Rob chopping off his gorgeous Robward hair, (gulp!) and went home to London for the Holidays, where he relaxed and partied a little. He was back in LA in mid- February hitting the gym and we swooned as he made his Oscar debut in February 22.
On February 25-28, the Twilight cast went to Japan for the premiere and fan events. It was quite obvious that Rob and Kristen missed each other after weeks of absence. The chemistry was back on.
On February 25-28, the Twilight cast went to Japan for the premiere and fan events. It was quite obvious that Rob and Kristen missed each other after weeks of absence. The chemistry was back on.
Rob and Kristen and the rest of the cast arrived in Vancouver first week of March to start pre-prod for New Moon and principal production. March 30, we saw Michael Angarano out and about with Nikki Reed and Kristen in the streets of Van City.

A fan pic surfaced dated April 5, 2009.
April 9, Kristen's 19th birthday. Rob and his Brit pack attended, with now Canadian resident Sam Bradley in tow. MA was reported as a no-show.

April 18, 2009 - Rob, Kristen, and Nikki attended Sage's concert - but eventually Rob and Kristen ( with John and TayStew) shared the taxi ride back to their hotel together.
April 25, we witnessed these papz photos as MA showed up for the last time in VanCity. My eyes hurt *cringe* If I see Rob and Kristen doing piggy-back rides outside of the Saga, I will just literally die with happiness. Yeah, right, in my dreams - and yours, too. lol.

April 25, we witnessed these papz photos as MA showed up for the last time in VanCity. My eyes hurt *cringe* If I see Rob and Kristen doing piggy-back rides outside of the Saga, I will just literally die with happiness. Yeah, right, in my dreams - and yours, too. lol.

May 2, Rob and Kristen had a fun time at Sam Bradley's concert at Richard's on Richards with Kristen's brother, Taylor.

May 8, Rob and Kristen attended the New Moon cast party.
And shared a limo taxi going back to their hotel and played 'footsie' lol
On May 13, Rob's 23rd birthday we have these precious pics of Kristen sandwiched by Mama Pattz and Papa Pattz, after the party at Glowbal Grill and Satay Bar.
These are candid pics of the New Moon cast during their Montepulciano shoot in Italy.
Kristen looking so gorgeous in her strapless sundress.
May 30, they left Italy together to attend the MTV Movie Awards in LA.
At the Charlie Hotel, the heartwarming at the same time heartbreaking photos of Rob and Kristen the morning after the MTV awards surfaces, as Rob leaves for New York for the summer to film Remember Me.
MamaStew approves, gives Rob a hug!

During the summer, this "alleged" claim surfaced. It was reported that Rob took a red-eye flight on June 22nd via Virgin Atlantic from LAX to JFK and reported at the Remember Me set the same afternoon.

July 23, 2009 Comic Con. Summit's move to place Taylor in between Rob and Kristen only made everything more "intense".
Clues were everywhere during this time, which left us all puzzled. The matching black shoelace bracelets Rob wore after Comic Con en route back to NY, the same one Kristen wore on set for The Runaways, the black backpack, Kristen's NY cap, Rob's grey shirt.

And after two more weeks to finish both of their summer commitments, Rob and Kristen reunited in LA for the weekend - and to attend the Teen's Choice Awards on August 9, 2009.

They were also seen in the balcony of Rob's hotel, Chateau Marmont during these times and attended Marcus Foster's gigs.

They arrived early August in Vancouver for the Eclipse shoot and during one downtime, the cast bonded over the Kings of Leon concert - which is now an EPIC moment for all RobSten followers.
August 15, 2009 - And my blog was born, yey!

On September 13, first time for both of them to attend an event (MTV Video Awards 2009) after the KOL pics and they did not disappoint, even if it happened just backstage.
After finishing off the remaining scenes in Eclipse, they left Vancouver together on October 29, to prepare for the all-out New Moon promo activities. Japan met Rob and Chris Weitz while Kristen and Taylor conquered the Latin Americas.
And they reunited in Paris, and again, we were not disappoined. The romantic city of lights got the best of Rob and Kristen as we have now the historic Paris airport pics of November 10, again, also known as Le Sigh. lol.
And that's it my lovelies. I am ending on that note. You decide when the magic moment happened between Rob and Kristen. You have the photos, you now have the dates. If I missed on some of them, my deepest apologies, I am not perfect. Like I said at the start, this is just an attempt. Maybe you can try making one of your own. I may or may not do a part 4, since the Paris pics confirmed it for me. But I may change my mind and just make a follow through, or whatever, lol. Thanks again you guys.
Thanks to RPSource Kstewartfanand Everglow for the photos. Photos re-uploaded - July 16, 2011.