Rob Taught To Fight By Vancouver Martial Arts Pro

Vancouver Sun. Vam­pires and were­wolves have dif­fer­ent fit­ness needs, says local trainer Nathan Mellalieu.

“Vam­pires are designed to be ele­gant, I think,” says Mel­lalieu, owner of Studeo 55, where he says he and his staff worked out about 15 of the cast of Eclipse, the lat­est in the Twi­light series to be filmed in Vancouver.

In addi­tion to get­ting char­ac­ters look­ing buff — includ­ing Edward Cullen (played by Robert Pat­tin­son,) Jacob Black (Tay­lor Laut­ner) and Alice Cullen (Ash­ley Greene) — it was impor­tant to get them ready for action, he says
“They had to be pre­pared to do these epic bat­tle scenes,” he says. “They needed to be able to jump and leap and swipe and throw and jab — all these dynamic, combat-based moves that were unique.”

Depend­ing on an actor’s char­ac­ter, dif­fer­ent exer­cises were needed. Vam­pires had to look “like super­mod­els with super­pow­ers,” he says, while the wolves could be brawnier and bigger.

He walks through a mar­tial arts area where he worked with Pattinson.

“With Robert, he loved the mar­tial arts stuff, and he was quite tal­ented at that,” Mel­lalieu says. “He’s got really great hand speed.”

Over­all, Mel­lalieu says, the actors play­ing vam­pires needed moves that sculpted an ele­gant but strong physique.

“They still have to be ath­letic and explo­sive. So the styles of work­out we used were either cross-fit-inspired work­outs or martial-arts-inspired workouts.”

Thanks to Thinking of Rob